Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall Out 3 Preview!

Fallout 3 is the 3rd game in this amazing game franchise. It started back in 1995 with the best selling game Fallout then in 1997 Fallout 2 came out making it another top seller that year, now after waiting for the longest time Fallout 3 is coming out on the PC , Xbox 360 and PS3 very soon, expect the 27 of October. There are very high expectations for this game as it is from the creators of The Elder Scrolls 4 : Oblivion , one of the largest and most beautiful ingame world designs ever , so expect the same in Fallout 3 except not so beautiful as it is set in a post appacaliptic future in which mankind was destoryed by this disiese and forced many of the survivors into these underground homes. Fallout 3 is the first of it's kind, a FPS RPG. Many people are very skeptic if this type of game will work but by the looks of it so far it's looking pretty amazing. Fallout 3 has you as a survivor and you wandering and fighting and shooting zombie like things around the US capitol. The game is finally finished and well looks pretty sweet. Some of it's cool features are :
Upgradable and RPG elements
Choose an area to devastate (Example : Freeze time on an enemy pick a body part and blow it to bits!)
Do what you want gameplay ( Kill kill kill whatever you want , you can even kill the innocents although I do not reccommend. Lol go raid some of the underground vaults that people live in lol that would be fun!)
Beautiful destructive environments.
Supperb enemy AI
A collection of awesome guns.
Amazing amazing graphics.
Great humor (check out the trailer! LOL weird)
And much much much much much much much freaking more including crazy ass dogs too! YAH!

Okay now onto the stuff people like the most !!! The pictures and trailers!! Yah!

First of all some cool trailers:

Fallout 3 Official Trailer:

Fallout 3 Gameplay trailer:

Now some cool pictures!

Another game I will be getting for sure ! And you should be too!!!!