Thursday, December 18, 2008

Soldier of Fortune Payback review!

Graphics: Soldier of Fortune 3's graphics are throughout pretty decent but the alright graphics are very muchly let down by glitches that well they don't really ruin the experience they just make it that much more realistic...... (Since when did legs twirl in the ground when you shot them off?) But the graphics really shine when it comes to the fact that you can pull out any gun and go freaky crazy on your enemies and blow they're limbs back to Mars. Watch legs , arms , and heads splode. Its a magical experience that you won't forget for awhile. 8 out of 10. Thank you Gore.... no not you Man Bear Pig obsesed Al Gore. Oh ya you may get the COD4 feeling looking at this game. Trust me it's not COD4 not by a long shot.
Gameplay: Mediocre gameplay. Nothing really special. Just run and gun and you should be fine. No challenge except for when it comes to the bosses who **** this game up magerly. Like I mean I shot a regular looking guy who was boss 8 times with shotty and then rocket him and he still not dead.... WTF? Oh ya if the boss hint didn't give you the idea I was trying to tell you that this game is frustrating and hard as hell. If you die , back to the last checkpoint. And you will die alot.... alot. Oh ya no saving either.....isn't this game great? But hell the gore really makes up for this okay game. Watching enemies limp for their life after you blow their leg off or watch and enemy run around until shortly falling to his death after blowing an arm off. I lol'd one too many times watching my ememies die in the strangest ways. But still enjoyable in the weirdest way. You want to hate it but you just keep coming back to it which compells me to give the gameplay a 5 out of 10 ... Oh ya the story mode is really short and multiplayer sucks..... compelled enough?
Sound: Well there's not much to say other then, they get the job done.... well maybe not the voice overs but the sound effects do.... I think. Meh is what you'll saying listening to this game. Sound gets a simple 6 out of 10.
Well overall SOF3 Payback gets a big fat 6 out of 10. This game is okay. Really only pick up this game if you are in desperate needs of gore. On other hand go pick up SOF2. Two times better and gorier. Plus it's really cheap. Pick it up for about 6 bucks on Amazon.

Graphics: Battlefield 2's graphics are amazing , no rubish included is what the box should say at the front because the graphics are eye popping espiacially for it's age. Yes it was made in 2004. But that saying if you are going to crank it to high make sure you have an up to date computer because those graphics are going to lag you computer up. Great textures, models , level design, and just everything is perfected. Graphics gets a a 9.5 out of 10.
Gameplay: Well where should I start..... Well maybe the fact that the game has plenty of levels in both singleplayer and multiplayer. Gunplay = COD4 quality......maybe this game inspired COD4 in gunplay. Then theres the fact you can drive a car , plane , tank , jeep, boat.... and even more. Hell you can even ride and turret in them! This game has so much to offer I can't even list it all. But the main thing is the online. Amazing..... just amazing. Gameplay = 10 out 10 . Yes its perfect.
Sound: I'm not an expert on sound but from what I hear is pure goodness. Voice overs sound very life filled and nice. The gunshots going past you and firing out of your gun really place you into the game. You can really tell that EA has spent alot on authentic sounding sounds!! Just great. 9 out of 10.
Overall : 9.7 out of 10. Yes this game you need to pick it up. I got my from Amazon on sale for 10 dollars and so should you! Get it now!!! I mean it! This game has it all.....seriously well..... okay not flying laser beam eyed teddy bears but its still awesome! Maybe when you get it we can dual online....sound like a deal???

Friday, December 5, 2008

Far Cry 2 Review!

Final Thoughts: Far Cry 2 is quite the versatile game as it offers many things to do in this huge open world do what you want kind of game. Unfortunately the game suffers from a case of what we like to call " to damn repetitive" . You may think, but wait this game has lots to do doesn't it? Yes it does but it just gets really boring after awhile. Also the game is very beautiful as it has some of the best graphics I've seen in a long time, and the map creator is very fun to use as well. This game is very fun , but after about 7 hours of playing the game you will say this is boring and go play a better game like ..... Gears of War. Also one word, fire. Fire is amazing.
My rating : 8.5 out of 10 burning zebra corpses that you ran over in the jungle.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

SWAT 4 Review!

Filling Round Up: SWAT 4 is an amazing first person shooter that offers up great realism and amazing gameplay. The levels are well designed and the graphics are decent. But the co-op play is what really makes this game shine.
Rating : 8.9 out of 10

I got my steam account back and well I'm happy!!!! YAH!!! Anyways so that means that I will be posting reviews now!! Yes!!!! Woohoo!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Okay don't worry everybody!

OMG I am so sorry for nothing , no new posts whatsoever, but due to the loss of my Steam account and steam employees still trying to get it back I will post lots of reviews!! Lots , ranging from games that were made in the 1990's all the way to now! Tons of game reviews all for you, and well everyone else that reads this blog but by saying I make you feel special cause I'm like talking directly to you , but I'm not, I'm talking to everyone that reads this blog including you, yes you Chad!! (Ha now whoever has the name Chad will piss themselves scared and yes I'm talking to you Jacob!!! Ha did it again!!! ) Well anyways stay tune for reviews on : The Movies plus expansion pack, Skate It , Spore, SWAT 4, Doom 3, Stranglehold, Kane and Lynch , Carmaggeddon , Counter Strike Source, Hot Dog King, DiRT , World of Goo, I-Fluid, The Wonderful End of the World, 007 Quantom of Solice for Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Ghost Master, Far Cry 2, Crysis, F.E.A.R, Prey, Data Design Interactive Wii Games ( Haha the worst of the worst wii games!! Can't wait to tell you guys what I thought) and many many many many freaking more! All to come soon!!!! YAH.