Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am a Fringe-o-holic!!! (Fringe)

Well this about the fourth episode of Fringe so far and well I just am hooked sooooo much!!! It's crazy ! I don't think I've ever been so darned hooked to a T.V show in my life! When I miss, like, about 3 minutes I freak out because I'm like OMG something good could've happend! It's just so freaking crazy!!! Melting people, Aliens alike pregnant women, bombs that explode downward, and much more! As well as I was watching the most recent episode it is giving us audience a hint that its going to get even more intense!! Holy crap that's freaking crazy!!! I mean come on! Freezing buses , in depth storyline , and awesome actors and special effects! What else could you ask for!!!! check it out you guys!! It's on Fox every night from 9-10!!! YAY!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

No new posts recently!

Sorry about the no recent posts! I've been having problems latly logging into blogger and crap and so I finally logged in so hopefully there will be a new post by tommorow!! Anyways while waiting for a new post check out my later posts as well!!! Enjoy!!

Also another reason I haven't updated is because , BIG NEWS, I'm buying my own domain name! Unfortuantely I had trouble buying it tonight but I`ll have it all worked out by tommorow!! So stay tuned for the new domain name (IT`S A SECRET!!)

Also another (once again) reason why I haven`t updated is because , 1. I`m trying to come up with unique template for new website / domain!
2. I`m making a special calender update thingy for the website for future update posts and stuff like that.
3. Too much darned homework (I`m finally done!) .
4. I`m lazy.
5. This list is getting to long!!

Well anyways have a good day / night / New Month for everyone!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Idiot(s) of the day!!!!


Holy crap it's a special edition of Idiot of the Day and that's because we have two stupid idiots to talk about!! Wow today was quite the stupid day!!! Ok so my first idiot of the day is a guy named Ronald Higgins, who apparently stole a uniform from the Dodgers baseball team, then went on field and trotted around posing as a baseball player and stating that he was on the Dodgers team!! Wow he must've had a few too many drinks!!!! Ronald will face 4 years in prison if guilty!

Now our second idiot of the day isn't just one person but is one person and one computer and a hospital. A 71 year old grandfather went to an Oregon hospital to get his back pains checked. Anyways after getting all the work done, he got his paperwork.... which read "Based on your visit today, we know you are pregnant.". LOL!!! The grandfather was shocked to read this and went to the main office in the hospital asking if this was true. Of course it was just a "typing error" said the hospital administrator, who is hoping it won't happen again! On the other hand that would make for a perfect prank!!! LOL !

Hopefully you enjoyed today's SE of Idiot of the Day and please discuss who is more stupid idiot!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Idiot of the Day!!!!!!!!

Todays Idiot of the Day is robber from Toronto. The robber entered a TD Canada Trust bank yesterday demanding all the money they have. He was also carrying a bin that he threatend was filled with explosives. He then got nervious and left the bin full of "explosives" on the counter and ran for it....without any money. The bomb squad was called in for the removal of the bombs but while doing an x-ray scan of the box, the bomb squad found out the box was indeed not filled with explosives but unstead filled with bits of smashed up drywall!
Congrats robber for suceed in becoming the Idiot of the Day!!!!! No money, all drywall!!! Yah!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

YAH I'm on Google!!!!

Yahhhh!!! I'm so happy I'm on google now!! I've waited a couple of days now and finally I've gotten onto google. Unfortunately you have to search JustFiller or justfiller into the Google search engine to find out about my blog!! Hopefully you'll notice me top the charts soon with my blog!!!! Thanks you guys for reading!!! Good night !!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Diary of the Dead review!

Diary of the Dead is a very unique zombie film that uses the Cloverfield camera style . I very much enjoyed this film because the camera was much more , well lets just say it was a lot less twitchy and wavy then in the movie Cloverfield. Diary of the Dead is about these University / College students who are trying to make a horror film for their film class. Unfortunately though they hear about the walking dead on the radio while filming and decide to stop filming the school project film. But of course the selfish arsehole decides to film the entire experience. The film turns out to be a pretty good thriller with some good gore and some crazy pop out scary scenes. The only problem I really had with the film is that the movies ending isn't that good. No big twist, nothing really that you couldn't see coming from 2 centimeters away. I don't really want to ruin much of the film so I'm not going to tell you much about the film except that the movie is a pretty sweet gore zombie film and I think it is much better then most zombie films . I'm going to give it the rating of
Don't forget to comment!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

CSS map of The Day- CS Meridian!

Todays CSS map of the day is CS Meridian! I absolutely loved this map online and with BOTS! I personally think it is best with bots but you decide!! The map can handle up to 30 bots!!! (Thats right 30 bots) The map is based on a cruise (small ) ship and is detailed amazingly! I would give this map the rating of :


Also there is a new NAV file for this map DOWNLOAD HERE!! So replace the old NAV file that came with the map with this one!!!!

Okay so I was watching MTV one day and I saw this show called Video On Trial . I laughed so hard that I almost sharted in my pants!! LOL! This show is a about different comedians coming onto the show and making fun of music videos! But it is sooooo funny! Anyways I haven't stopped watching it yet and I just wanted to recommend it to you guys . Unfortunately though if you live in USA it is not available in your country only in Canada. But you can still watch it on Youtube as every episode goes onto there. Enjoy here are some examples!

Video On Trial: Madonna f. Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes

Video On Trial: Fergie - Fergalicious

Okay this afternoon I've been pretty bored and all so I decided to make a list dedicated to my favourite 3 comedy Youtube videos! Anyways enjoy the videos!!!!!

Number 3 : DEER PRANK!

Ahaha that's freaking hilarious! I would probably either run away, or did what those guys did at the end LAUGH!!!!!! Lol that deer!

Number 2 : News Anchors Cant Stop Laughing when Model Falls

Omg if I were that news reporter I would laugh just as hard as he did too! Like I mean come on how do you fall like that!!!??!!!

NUMBER 1!!!! Ghost Ridin' Grandma!

LOL!! Now those are some pimpin Grandparents!!!!

Do you agree with the videos I picked?? Or do you not like these videos?? Discuss it in the comments!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Watch X-Files for Free!

Well I know that everyone that reads this has got to have some love for X-Files (whether it's one episode, the whole T.V series, or even just the Theme song!) . Well I've just found out where you can watch The X-Files T.V show for free online! So go ahead and enjoy those good ole moments and do yourself some good! Watch X-Files again!
BTW when you click the link it is on the last page because I've started you at Season One!
Click here to watch X-Files!!!

Ok, one day I was searching the internet and found this cool game called Blastworks and it was for the Wii and it was a sidescrolling shooter in which you would actually pick up the remainders of the ships that you killed and you them against your enemies. I thought it sounded really cool so I was about to buy when suddenly I read it was based off a freeware indie game Tumiki Fighters and I was really excited when I found out it was an indie game and free and said this would be perfect for my website ! Well I love it do you? Download it below!

Download here!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fringe So Far

Ok so I've been watching this awesome show called Fringe. Fringe is about these paranormal events going on and all that and this lady trying to solve them. Anyways although it dosen't sound that exciting I'm just hooked for some reason. Even though it isn't the best show ever or for a matter of fact it isn't even that great, I'm just hooked. Anyways so far the opening scenes have both blown me away! The first episode included melting people on a plane and the second episode included a lady giving birth to an 80 year old man! I just love this show so much because it reminds me of my favourite T.V show awhile back, The X-Files! Oh boy did I ever love the X-Files, but ever since it went off air I haven't seen anything like it..... until now! Fringe is just so ...well awesome! Now don't get me wrong, Fringe is not as good as The X-Files and never will be but that dosen't make the show that bad at all ! The only problem is that it only focuses on one character and that just dosen't bring as many good / exciting plots as all the good T.V shows do nowadays ( EX: CSI, House, Criminal Minds, The Sopranos). Anyways just wanted to tell you guys about this show and that you guys should go check it out. It's on FOX every Tuesday night at 8 ! CHECK IT OUT!

Also the question of the day is , Have you ever had that show that just hooked you and you continued watching throughout the season, if so what is it?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Idiot of the Day!

Wednesday's idiot of the Day is Air Canada Jazz! They are the idiots of the day because they removed all life vests from all their planes! They said that they removed the life vests so that they could "save gas". All I have to say is : HOW GREEDY DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO DO THAT???? Air Canada also said that if ever in a crash that you should use the cusions as vests!!! Ahaha... no. If I paid good money to fly somewhere I would rather live!!!! geez nice move Air Canada Jazz! And that's why they are the Idiot of the Day!

So I'm guessing that, probably, you have seen one of these spoof movies where the title ends with MOVIE (Exception Meet the Spartans ) and mostly likely said "That wasn't even funny! Boooooo you suck!". And in the background somebody says "Get of the screen! Booo!" . Ha well that's at least what happend to me when I went to go see Meet the Pile of Crap Spartans. That movie is soooo god awful I was speechless! These movies appear to be getting worse every single time! I'm surprised they even got actors for Disaster Movie. I mean it started with the classic Airplane (one of the funniest spoof movies EVER), then went on to the Scary Movies ( which in the day were some of my favourite comedy spoofs), and now we have the Movie movies (which suck!). I was really disapointed in Date Movie thinking that it wasn't even funny but then got my hopes up again once I saw epic Movie which actually had me laughing, but then came Meet the Horse Turd Spartans in which I was saying to myself the entire time "Come on there's got to be something funny coming up....soon?". Unfortunately I didn't laugh ONCE! It sucked ! But recently I saw Superhero Movie which actually had me laughing every once in while, then again it wasn't from the same directors of Date Movie , Epic Movie , and that other piece of crap. Once I saw the trailer for Disaster Movie I said "WTF noooooooo they're BACK!!!!" I mean seriously is Iron Man getting crushed by a fake cow funny? NO! How about a HORRIBLE LOOK ALIKE to Miley Cyrus whining on about buying a new CD while being crushed by a meteor? Is that funny? HELL NO! Anyways the movie got an average rating of 15% on Metacritic and an average rating of 0% ZERO PERCENT on Rotten Tomatoes! Also more proof is this hilarious review by my favourite critics on the Spill team! Check it out HERE! Anyways I wouldn't the Disaster of a Movie if I were you cause you may lose too many brain cells watching it. If you really want to lose brain cells just sniff a Sharpy for about an hour and a half, it isn't as painful.

Ok yesterday a friend told me about this website yesterday and I though that it sounded really interesting and a good idea. So I subscribed to it and started watching other peoples animations. For some reason the top rated and most popular animations were supposedly comedies but I didn't laugh once (and I laugh pretty easily) at anything that anybody made! They were all terrible! So after being disappointed by those animations, I decided to go try and make my own animation! Unfortunately there is a lot to make and endless possibilities, it just wasn't what I was looking for. Already pre-scripted animations and stuff just wasn't what I was looking for. I'm very disappointed in this website as it had a lot to offer but it just wasn't pulled altogether properly. You also need a lot of patience because it's going to take a while to make what you want! If you want to know something just like this website except better and better and better and BETTER go and check out the game The Movies. I'm pretty sure you can pick up that game for about $20 off of Steam but everything is in 3d, plus it has a story mode and much more so I would recommend picking it up and the expansion pack (a must if you have the original game).

You could win a free subscription to Gametap (over 1000's of games no purchase nesscessary once subscribed/won) within the next day! All you have to do is tell me about your website/blog and tell other people about me! Or if you don't want to advertise me you are going to have to have a good blog! So enjoy and hopefully you win! That's all ! The first 2 people that tell me about there blogs and tell other people about my website win this amazing 60 dollar value! Also if you were wondering what Gametap is check it out HERE! Gametap offers free games within there amazing device once you subscribe! No scams or anything 100% legal! You could win this amazing 60 dollar value!!! Woo hoo!
Uploading video soon describing what Gametap is!
Having any problems? Tell me your problem by sending me an email thecreatorofthisweb@hotmail.com !

Enter either by commenting or by emailing me!

Oh god I've got to make this quick and easy cause I got alot of homework! Anyways just wanted to say that I've got a lot of homework and I wanted to make this, like, the big homework thread and all that so post your comments of how much homework you have and relate to when you remember when you had so much homework!
Also another question, What's the most amount of homework you've ever had?
Mine has to be when I was in Grade six I had every subject to do for homework!! Yikes!!! Anyways thats all I'm posting for today cause of stupid homework!! BAH and bye!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Now here is a neat little indie game that is physics based. The game is a CTF game except with a twist. You can destroy everything by picking it up and throwing it at other stuff. Everything is made out of blocks so you'll have a fun time knocking over towers ect. The game is LAN based but if you have no one to play with you can just play with some bots, which is just as fun as online. Anyways I would reccomend it to everyone but you need a pretty good computer. So if you think you can run it just download the file below and enjoy!

Comment what you think of the game!!!

Download here!

Yesterday I was hanging out with a friend and while we were outside I got stung by a bee. No big deal I thought just a bee sting that'll stop hurting within the next couple of minutes. But what I did not know was that I was allergic to the bee sting. Now parts of my face have swelled up (including my right eye (can't se out of it well anymore) ) and I'm , well, kinda scared! I didn't expect to be allergic to bee stings at all but I am. It really sucks but it's clearing up somewhat and fells/looks much better then it did last night. Man just what I want, to be allergic to bee stings! GRRRR! Anyways just wanted to tell you guys that! So enjoy the blog meanwhile!

So when I went to go see the movie Tropic Thunder I saw a trailer for this movie called Eagle Eye and I saw that it was from my favourite director Stephen Spielburg! I got very interested in the movie and thought "I am so going to see this movie". Anyways I think it looks like a good action/thriller and hopefully will have a good twist in it !

Comment what you think of this trailer and what you think the movie will be like!

Tropic Thunder, a comedy starring Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black , and Ben Stiller is the latest comedy spoofing the Hollywood movie industry. The movie is about a movie in production (Tropic Thunder) which is in mayham because the actors just can't cooperate. The director loses it and goes to the war veternan who wrote the book/script (Tropic Thunder) for advice on how to make the movie better. The war veternan tells the guy that the movie would be better if he actually put them into Nam. So of course they go to Nam and everything loses control! Ben Stiller gets kidnapped by gang of "killer" Nams. So anyways as the movie progress it tends to lose it's hilarity but pulls itself together using the ultimate awesome duuuuuuude! Robert Downey Jr! Robert Downey Jr is great in this movie and made me laugh through out the entire film! Everytime there was a slow moment Robert Downey Jr would come into the scene and make it funny again! Not to say that Jack Black and Ben Stiller weren't funny they just weren't as good as Robert Downey Jr. Also this movie has amazing cameos by Tom Cruise and Matthew Machonblahblahblahblah (have no clue how to spell his last name). But really Tom Cruise makes this movie go from Awesome to Da Bomb because he is just sooooooooo funny! Even if you take out Robert Downey Jr and Tom Cruise you still get an awesome movie but because of those 2 actors I'm going to have to give this movie a rating of :DA FREAKING BOMB (9 out of 10)

One of greatest lines of this movie were:
Tom Cruise on phone with terrorists: "Ok so you've got one of my actors right?"
Terrorists : " Yes and if you don't give us 10 million dollars we will kill him!"
Tom Cruise: "Well guess what? You can suck my **** you mother****ing **** ************** (Excessive swearing)"
Tom Cruise hangs up. LOL!

Welcome to JustFiller the better website/blog of http://www.randomstuff4you.weebly.com/ So everything on my old website will be trasferred here except in a better manner! So ya I will be updating this blog everyday (or as much as I can!) Anyways enjoy!