Monday, September 22, 2008

Diary of the Dead review!

Diary of the Dead is a very unique zombie film that uses the Cloverfield camera style . I very much enjoyed this film because the camera was much more , well lets just say it was a lot less twitchy and wavy then in the movie Cloverfield. Diary of the Dead is about these University / College students who are trying to make a horror film for their film class. Unfortunately though they hear about the walking dead on the radio while filming and decide to stop filming the school project film. But of course the selfish arsehole decides to film the entire experience. The film turns out to be a pretty good thriller with some good gore and some crazy pop out scary scenes. The only problem I really had with the film is that the movies ending isn't that good. No big twist, nothing really that you couldn't see coming from 2 centimeters away. I don't really want to ruin much of the film so I'm not going to tell you much about the film except that the movie is a pretty sweet gore zombie film and I think it is much better then most zombie films . I'm going to give it the rating of
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