Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I am a Fringe-o-holic!!! (Fringe)

Well this about the fourth episode of Fringe so far and well I just am hooked sooooo much!!! It's crazy ! I don't think I've ever been so darned hooked to a T.V show in my life! When I miss, like, about 3 minutes I freak out because I'm like OMG something good could've happend! It's just so freaking crazy!!! Melting people, Aliens alike pregnant women, bombs that explode downward, and much more! As well as I was watching the most recent episode it is giving us audience a hint that its going to get even more intense!! Holy crap that's freaking crazy!!! I mean come on! Freezing buses , in depth storyline , and awesome actors and special effects! What else could you ask for!!!! check it out you guys!! It's on Fox every night from 9-10!!! YAY!!!