Thursday, September 25, 2008

Idiot of the Day!!!!!!!!

Todays Idiot of the Day is robber from Toronto. The robber entered a TD Canada Trust bank yesterday demanding all the money they have. He was also carrying a bin that he threatend was filled with explosives. He then got nervious and left the bin full of "explosives" on the counter and ran for it....without any money. The bomb squad was called in for the removal of the bombs but while doing an x-ray scan of the box, the bomb squad found out the box was indeed not filled with explosives but unstead filled with bits of smashed up drywall!
Congrats robber for suceed in becoming the Idiot of the Day!!!!! No money, all drywall!!! Yah!!


Ryans Blog said...

LOL This guy is definately an amateur thats the most idiotic thing you can do anyways you missed a few "idiot of the days" keep posting them but LOL for this one.