Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fringe So Far

Ok so I've been watching this awesome show called Fringe. Fringe is about these paranormal events going on and all that and this lady trying to solve them. Anyways although it dosen't sound that exciting I'm just hooked for some reason. Even though it isn't the best show ever or for a matter of fact it isn't even that great, I'm just hooked. Anyways so far the opening scenes have both blown me away! The first episode included melting people on a plane and the second episode included a lady giving birth to an 80 year old man! I just love this show so much because it reminds me of my favourite T.V show awhile back, The X-Files! Oh boy did I ever love the X-Files, but ever since it went off air I haven't seen anything like it..... until now! Fringe is just so ...well awesome! Now don't get me wrong, Fringe is not as good as The X-Files and never will be but that dosen't make the show that bad at all ! The only problem is that it only focuses on one character and that just dosen't bring as many good / exciting plots as all the good T.V shows do nowadays ( EX: CSI, House, Criminal Minds, The Sopranos). Anyways just wanted to tell you guys about this show and that you guys should go check it out. It's on FOX every Tuesday night at 8 ! CHECK IT OUT!

Also the question of the day is , Have you ever had that show that just hooked you and you continued watching throughout the season, if so what is it?